An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

The Morning After...

Well after a very very late enjoyable night with Agnes and Adrian, I am very proud to have made it downstairs today in time to actually say good MORNING.

Ok so there may only have been 4 minutes of the morning left but I still made it.

I also came downstairs to the great news that the dishwasher had gone on strike. No not David, the actual dishwasher. Great. Only got it in August. Guess who my first phonecall tomorrow morning will be to!

David and Adrian headed off to play golf and Agnes and I had a leisurely lunch then took a sofa each, feet up and enjoyed an afternoon of chat and laughter interspersed with tea and cake. It's a hard life.

The guys returned rather damp but in good spirits.

Agnes and Adrian have headed home now and I'm trying to motivate myself to get off the sofa and get the chinese takeaway menu make dinner.

Oh and I can personally vouch for the fact that James Martin's Apple & Blackberry Crumble is delish.


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