Don't sleep on my watch!

We had a visit from Mum, Roy and Nana this afternoon. Clearly the excitement of going to Marks and Spencers, and then ASDA was too much for Nan and she had to have a little sleep. Exit sarah, stage left, run, get camera, take sneaky shot, giggle and show mum, and say BLIP! Nearly choked on my tea when Nana announced that she didn't like shopping, but she only goes to keep Auntie Rose happy............................................thought Val and Rose might like that :-)

Other than that, Sparky has adopted a box as his new home. Chippy is not happy about this, but Sparky was clearing enjoying gloating about his new abode.

Corin busy in the attic - sorting out insulation and ventilation - we have a massive condensation problem which is causing problems up there.

Off to cook tea, then some tidying up in James' room and a bit of rearranging in my office, then crack open the champagne for a wee new year's eve tipple.

Have installed windows 7 on my desktop this afternoon and its wonderful. Suddenly my computer works properly - software opens promptly, I don't have to wait 5 minutes for iTunes to open, and my internet is working more quickly - clearly Vista was interfering with normal running.

Happy New Year to one and all. 2010 is going to be exciting for the Hebdon/Dunwood household :-)

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