A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

Saccharomyces cerevisiae or: Yeast

The biologist in me absolutely loves this image. The artist in me, not so much. The bread baker in me is wondering why my yeast is clinging to itself as it has never done before. With the naked eye baking yeast does not look 'alive' and it appears as tiny consistently sized particles. But, as you can see here, the particles are not consistent at all. They are clinging to my plastic measuring spoon and also to themselves. I don't know why - possibly humidity? I've made a batch of artisan bread dough and time will tell if there is something wrong with this yeast.

Lots to do today:

bake a chocolate tart
bake cookies
make a black bean/avocado salsa dip
finish labeling two batches of bar soap
vacuum ('hoover' I think some of you call it) the kitchen floor (my Taxman just finished vacuuming the rest of the house, hurray for Taxmen all over the world:)
maybe squeeze in some cross country skiing, but not likely
wait for the grandchildren


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