
By Onesmallplanet

Stepping out

Day 1, Halifax Nova Scotia: First day of my break in Canada and I didn't have a chance to take a photo till later on in the evening. My sister and I are making our way out to a bar (about a 25 minute walk from her apartment near downtown Halifax) after a busy day of errands and cleaning. My trip was timed exactly with the unfortunate break up of my sister's relationship so just as I was travelling over to Canada she was moving into a new apartment. I arrived the night before to find her new place a sea of boxes and her dog standing in the middle of everything wondering what on earth had happened. I was feeling much the same way being jetlagged after a long journey and arriving to much upheaval and disarray. Having borrowed a friends car the next day we went shopping for essentials she would need (I trying diligently to keep her on track and on budget!) followed by a couple hours of cleaning and tidying. The landlord had said the place had been cleaned but not to any normal persons standards! After all that it was good to get out for a few hours and take stock of things, we even met up with a few of her friends at the bar for some food, drink and chat....a good end to a hectic day.

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