Still Here!

By Yorkhull

Birthday Port

This is a birthday present from my good friends, J and R, who came to dinner tonight. Unfortunately as I am still taking antibiotics I could not indulge but it will keep for another day.

I have rested all day today and so have not had any blipping opportunities. I suddenly realised that I had not blipped. As I was clearing up I spotted this lovely bottle of port and so as the saying goes 'any port in a storm' so it became my blip.

It looks a good one too. I love port and I started on Blipfoto on New Year's Day with a blip on port.

So I have heeded all the advice. I have done little today apart from cook dinner which I did with the help of my friend J. I felt quite ill yesterday but gradually today I think I have improved. But will not go into work tomorrow to ensure a full recovery!

Good night all!

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