A productive day

Ann likes it when she achieves things. It makes her all happy and that means that I’m happy too because she’s not ranting at me!

This morning she had to clean a neighbours holiday let, but the visitors had left before I’d even been on my morning walk, so by 10.30am she was all finished. Though why two people had to use 8 towels we don’t know?

Anyway, I’d hardly had time to shut my eyes for a snooze when she was back. She said, ‘Molly, it’s a beautiful day. I’m going to do a couple of hours work in the communal courtyard. You can come and watch me’.

So that is what I did. I lay in the sunshine while Ann weeded and cut back ivy and swept up lots of debris.

Then she said, ‘Molly, it’s such a beautiful day, shall we go for a nice long walk somewhere.’

Well, obviously I ran to the front door straight away.

But then she added, ‘Molly, I want to go to Morrisons and B&Q first. You can wait in the car.’

I don’t particularly like waiting in the car. But I do like ‘nice long walks’ so I didn’t make a fuss.

We had a lovely long walk at ‘Cape Cornwall’.

Just got home and Ann’s wondering if she should be even more productive and plant the plants that she bought at B&Q.

Personally, I think she should just give me my dinner and then I can go into snooze mode for the evening.

…………………I’ve had hardly any sleep time today!!!!

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