
By foxfollower

Mysteries Revealed

Tony discovered that the capsule which hangs from 'our' cat's collar unscrews. Inside it, there was a rolled up piece of paper. When we unfolded it, we discovered the following message on one side: 'I am completely deaf! I require daily medication.'

On the other side was the name 'Sweep' and a mobile phone number. I rang it and it was answered by a lady who lives just across the road. She said that Sweep has a thyroid condition and this is the reason why she is so skinny and is hungry all the time. Sweep still makes regular visits to her home; she's happy for us to feed her whenever she calls round. Sweep has a sister called Sooty - so the name I pulled for her from the sorting hat was pretty close to the mark!

The lady said that Sweep is completely deaf and is nearly 18 years old. That's quite hard to believe, given not only how small Sweep is but how alert, agile and lively. Anyway, we shall continue to enjoy her company for the moment, and don't have to worry about whether we should take her to the vet or what will happen to her when we go away on holiday!

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