
By Imadjen


May Challenge by AnnieMay and MollyMay - Marigold, the colour
DDW's Where I Live

“Lantana (Lantana camara) is one of Australia’s most damaging invasive weeds. It is an aggressive invader that has naturalised in eastern Australia under a wide range of climatic conditions and is recognised as a major weed of pastures, plantations and native forests. Since its introduction to Australia as an ornamental plant in the early 1840s, lantana has spread to infest more than four million hectares of eastern Australia, from southern New South Wales to northern Queensland, and has invaded areas of the Torres Strait Islands, Northern Territory and Western Australia. In recognition of its impacts on primary industries, conservation and biodiversity, and the extent of its distribution in Australia, lantana has been named a Weed of National Significance.” www.weeds.org.au

This is Lantana, the one seen mostly in our area. It has pretty flowers of a similar colour to Marigolds, photo taken on the road verge across the road from our place. Here, in Queensland, Lantana is a Class 3 declared pest, which prevents it being sold, but does very little to stop its spread.

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