A Dog's Dinner

By G

The Fallen Angel

As you can see the Family Blogs arrived over this afternoon for a snowy walk and a snowy play.

Off we went to the woods where we met loads of nice dogs and their owners so The Wonder Dog got a good play as well, with Dylan The labradoddle in a starring role again.

We also found a lost dog, well when I say lost, I really mean a dog that decided to go on an adventure but after a quick telephone call we managed to find the owner and returned the wayward canine. It turns out it was Barney one of Ruaridh's best pals, well best in the sense that he cannot be a friend if Bella is to be protected which comes first.

Ruaridh never mixes business with pleasure.

Off to make fish pie for the dinner - it's a fish pie sort of day methinks.

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