Men at work

Nämä miehet näyttävät kiirelta... ;)
En ole sanomassa että he eivät työskentele tai että he ovat laiska, mutta ajattelin tämä näyttivät hassulta.

(I want to say: these men look busy... ;)
I'm not saying that they don't work or that they're lazy, but I thought this looked funny. )

I'm pretty sure these guys work really hard, but I just caught them on their break. I liked their synchronized texting! :)

Today I thought it would rain, but it didn't, which was good. Work was busy.

This morning, there were three people in one of my tours from Kotka, Finland, and I tried to speak in Finnish to them, but it didn't seem to happen. I just managed a few words here and there. Speaking a new language is one of the most difficult things! They seemed to appreciate it though! :)

By the way, thank you so much for all your lovely comments, stars and hearts on my experiment self portrait yesterday, I do really appreciate it! I made spotlight too! I personally think I looked maybe a bit too serious in it.... haha!

I hope you all had a good day! :)

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