Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan


Today we went to nearby Standalone Farm. We packed a picnic, piled in the car and got a bit lost thanks to a sign bent the wrong way. But we got there eventually...only to discover I still had Chris' bank card in my purse at home... So Chris had to drive home and get it!

After that unfortunate start to the day we eventually paid and went in and immediately Isaac was completely and utterly amazed with everything. He absolutely loves chickens and I think he would have been quite happy to stay watching them all day! He was shouting cockadoodledoo at them and clinging for dear life on the fence so we couldn't move him away!

We wandered round slowly, it took me a good ten minutes to get across the bridge because Isaac saw ducks and some strange dotty hens which he chased trying to catch. Amelie loved the piglets! There were medium sized piglets which I thought were lovely and then there were the teeny tiny ones that were only born last week!

We had our picnic in a lovely grassy area. Amelie sat nicely and ate everything in her lunchbox (banana cake first though, obviously!) but Isaac spent the whole time exploring. The grass wasn't short and it was quite bumpy so he kept falling over. Eventually he was so exhausted he just kept lying down!

After our picnic we went on the farm walk, played in the park and I took Amelie on this little car thing that you have to drive....that was an experience! I didn't quite realise how much control we were given until Amelie was steering us into the grass!

We then said goodbye to all the animals, picked up a couple of things from the shop (wooden chicken for Isaac and a tube of plastic butterflies for Amelie) and headed home.

We sat out in the courtyard when we got back and had some ice creams. Amelie made herself a peg dress and played with her new butterflies.

A very lovely bank holiday Monday. Two days back to normal then it's off to Scotland for the kids and I for the weekend :)

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