
By intothehills

Mine eyes unto the hills

I see this view every time I drive South, and it always puts a smile on my face. The Howgills are like no other hills in England - they're the likn between the rolling gentleness of the Dales and the craggy summits and deep valley's of the Lake District. They rise high in grassy hulking shapes - but they're sides are deep and have caught many a walker out. This twisting valley is afforded great views by the fell road that goes over to Greyrigg and then Kendal - it's not uncommon to be high up and see RAF fighter pilots screaming through the valley to practise their low level techniques (a bit different to Blippers low level techniques). I'm sure many a Blipper has seen photos of the 'love heart' of trees planted on the eastern slopes of the valley - it attracts scores of photographers every autumn as the trees turn red on the bracken covered hillside.

I mentioned to a non outdoorsy passenger the other day that it was one of my favourite views - and they came back with "but what about the motorway & the rail line?..." - you know what? I never notice them.

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