Des Voeux Road Central

Had a terrific thunderstorm last night that actually woke us up in the wee hours of the morning! Temps have dropped as well, making it rather cool again ... More rain predicted for the rest of the week. Another public holiday tomorrow, bun festival I think.

Went to help Elizabeth this morning with the arts and crafts for this year's VBS (Vacation Bible School) that the church is holding. Ages 5-11 get a very interactive, fun , 4 weeks of bible stories, activities, action songs and great teaching! It's a huge undertaking and Elizabeth, Roberto and team do a wonderful job of not only involving the children, but adults as well. This year's theme is Weird Animals. Pics to follow at some stage.

Then physio and THEN my long awaited appointment with my surgeon to find out what the heck's going on with my neck/shoulders!!! I've come away with half his pharmacy ... No just kidding ... a quarter! He's given me some muscle relaxants, strong pain killers and one more thing ... can't remember. + strong patches, which are on and feeling good :) still living in hope.

Oh this is a pic of Des Veoux Road in Central with the tram lines. Picture taken from one of the many covered, all weather walkways that keep one nice and warm/dry/cool depending on the weather!

Quiet, restful evening, feeling lethargic now. Bye.

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