Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Bank holiday fun

Fantastic day today. The sun has been shining and it's been wonderfully warm.

Grandma & Grandad joined us for a trip on a steam railway. Walking into the station was like stepping back in time. I'm sure nothing has changed for many decades. The old engines were lovely and when we were in the station we were allowed right up close to the one we would be riding on. P saw the coal going into the furnace, the carriages be coupled and got to hear a very loud toot toot that made us all jump!

Once we were on the move we got the picnics out and enjoyed our sandwiches as the views of the countryside whizzed by. P had her very own special ticket and was very excited when the guard came and asked to see it.

We then hopped off the train at Ferry Meadows to stretch our legs and get some ice creams. P had a play in the park then it was time to get back on the train and head home.

I love bank holidays!

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