Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Baby Mugging

I'm bit late to the craze of baby mugging, as P wasn't really a baby when I first saw this done. But now A is here and I can take silly pictures of him instead!

Nice sunny day today. Grandma, Grandad and Aunty V took P out for shopping and lunch which left me and Mr J free to get the weekly groceries and a new washing line. I've missed my old washing line but finally one has been reinstated to the garden here, even if it is at a bit of an angle at the moment.

This afternoon I have been sorting the Wendy house. After my dads essential maintenance on Wednesday I have swept out all the muck, put the curtains and the toy kitchen back in and put the collection of postcards back on the wall. I think it's now ready for a summer of playing!

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