
I had a bit of philosophy going on in my head after meeting a big tall dog on walk two today; a cross between a Labrador and Poodle called a Labradoodle. (Before I go on Gaelic for black or dark in colour is Dubh, pronounced “doo” and like many languages the adjective comes after the noun hence a dark coloured mountain may be called “Sgurr Dubh”.)
Continuing on the cross breed theme we also get (as some on blip already know) a cross between Cocker Spaniel and Poodle. They are called “Cockapoos”. However on the above lab cross logic it should surely be a Cockadoodle and of course if it was a dark coated dog it may be called:

I do apologise, Saturday night and I’ve had a glass of wine with dinner.

Walk one was a new route suggested cautiously to Mrs SJR, up one side of the River Arkaig to Loch Arkaig and back down the other to BunArkaig Bay on Loch Lochy. We went into some pathless bogland briefly but it (the walk) was given the seal of approval.
This is the river Arkaig in some very tricky light.

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