@ la martelliere

By Turts99

You have mail.

Gail is at home and in her sick-bed. I am playing nurse-maid, although it is exercising attention muscles I don't really have.

It's a very calm day, too calm to blow the blades of the turbine into what little wind there is, purportedly a Force 3. I've winged off a shot at Orkney Micro. to consider fitting a larger fin. I hate paying for electricity.

I wandered down the garden to check for post. As you can see, our correspondence was waiting for us on the passenger seat. Fortunately, there was no chocolate in the Graze box as it was stiflingly hot in there.

I am hosting a stroll for the Sanday Photowalkers tomorrow, so I rode into Lady to reconnoiter the route. The cloud is building and a wee bit of rain is expected for it but it'll be fine. The breeze is still forecast to be light so, who knows, my H2O parapluie might get a rare outing. We'll all know when the photo's are posted on the group site.

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