This day

By snapper


Loads of photo memories on top of my parent's piano and nice to see a few christmas cards which shows the old homestead is still in the minds of old friends.

Dog lazing in front of fire and the place to myself and getting used to the silence !

The one thing I need to get is some sort of music system, my father loved music and played his radio constantly but my mother had no fondness for music therefore the big room upstairs has no sound system, I might have a wee walk around town to grab a music playing bargin tomorrow who knows.

I see the neighbours have installed a light sensor that comes on when someone enters very good but why did they not do that years ago as they had control of the light and if they had the light off, you had to fumble for your keys, now they instal one with a sensor, would have been nice if there had been one when my folks were alive! Still better late than never and they are nice folks.

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