This day

By snapper

Christmas day

Well we finally got there despite frost, snow and everything else this year has thrown at us.
We don't go in for huge excessive food but our menu began with
Tomatoe soup & fresh cream
Roast chicken (I don't like turkey) roast tatties, roast parsnips, roast onions mashed tatties and gravy
Jelly & ice cream and chirstmas pudding.
Everyone full, hubby has to go off to work till 10pm but the rest of us are in front of the usual roaring log fire toasting , dogs walked and now sleeping having scrounged evry bit of food imaginable.
Later we will play a game od Sceane It and I will go and collect a couple of friends to have a wee ceilidh then prbably bed in the wee small hours as we are a family of owls
Happy Christmas to one and all
I just noticed Sam the wee dog under the table waiting!

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