You can ring my bell.

You will never guess what i did today. Let me start at the beginning, a very good place to start. After the gym , i walked up to the church and had a cup of tea. As usual, the welcome was wonderful. We were all chatting away , when one of the guys, who i now know is called Kevin said, would you like to go up to the belltower? I thought for a minute ,as i don't like heights or small spaces. I said, can i have a look first? He took me to the stairs and they were so narrow you would have to go up sideways. Well it was manageable so i said yes. I had to take my gym bag off as there wasn't room , so i left it with one of the other guys. He told me to hold on at all times and another guy also wanted to go up. So off we went, me in front and the two men behind. When we got to the bell tower he showed us how the bells are rung. They weren't your usual ropes hanging from the roof, these were small wooden handles / keys with D R M F S L T painted on them . He asked if we knew what they meant and i said , doh, ray......... but the D wasn't working. Kevin then said, would you like to have a go. I said ,yes like a shot. Within a few minutes, i was ringing the bells in St Mary's Church. I spent about five minutes just playing with them ,and smiling from ear to ear. Never in my wildest dreams would i have thought that i would be in the bell tower ringing the bells.When i got back down to earth, one of the older gents said , we have just had two noise abatement officers in, asking who was making all that noise. He was joking of course. I am still walking on air.

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