What a great day, just the four of us and the 2 grannies and of course Juno.

Plan was to head to the beach, but the kids fancied a bit of sledging so up Blackford Hill we all went. Eco Mum has now joined Blip so as it is her camera she had priority today.

A great morning up the hill and then back home for lunch.

I nipped out to get Eco gran and drop of a hamper of goodies for my Gran and Grandad, a wee chat wih them and it was back home to make dinner.

Eco mum popped out to get her mum and it was all systems go.

Eco sister called from Middle east, we all chatted to her, we are going to see her in February.

The roasting tin slipped after I brought it out of the oven, foolishly grabbed it without the oven gloves. #*#* then submerged in cold water.

Food was excellent, great joint effort Ecomum.

Popped down to Eco brother with gifts and had a bit of a chat.

Sitting down with family, everyone is happy.

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