
By mrsanf


Today is a very special birthday...for a very special bear!

Fifty years ago today my nana gave me my first christmas present, a teddy bear. Bear has been through some stuff over the years, most notably washed in a twin tub washing machine, pushed through a mangle and pegged up by his ears to dry on the line, he has been chewed to bits by one of our family dogs, lost some of his stuffing which was replaced with a chopped up pair of my mums tights and quickly re-sewn. He's been on trips to the park with me in my younger days, and holidays and days away. He sat on my bed and waited for me when I discovered youth clubs and went out with my firends. He has been loved not only by me but by my three sisters, my children and by the many children I used to childmind. He was re-named "Fredbear" about 30 years ago because he is so worn in places.

Whilst all my teddies were relegated to the loft earlier in the year Fredbear retained his place on the chest of drawers in the bedroom. He was also one of the first things to be unpacked in the new house.

Fredbear is always there for me, I've lost count of the number of times I've snuggled up with him during sad and lonely moments and woken up to find him still there.

Here's to Fredbear, my faithful friend.

Had a lovely christmas day with my family, in our new home....even managed to fathom out the controls of the oven and cook the dinner - perfect!

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