Nativity Scene

I looked after my neighbour's cat while they were away for a week and they brought me this Nativity Scene to say thank you!

I find it extremely interesting! They bought it on the Island Zanzibar, just off the Tanzanian Coast. It is made by the African locals, out of the Bark of Banana trees!

Just note the black Baby Jesus, even Joseph and the Three Wise Men are black, Maria is a not as dark and the Shepherd is white! Just shows how each and every Christian nation around the globe believes 'Their God and Jesus' were the same colour as them!

I think this little Nativity Set opened my eyes to the souls of other Christians! Does it really matter what colour He was or we are? Aren't our eyesight too good? Should we not just look past the skin?

Please look at these two!! They swam with C and both the R's, and when they were tired, they decided to swim out! R snr designed the pool in such a way, there is a 'step' all the way around the pool's inside, just below the water level, in case the two doggies fall in by accident and none of us notice, then they can step on it to get out! Brilliant!! The trial worked like a charm today! The three of them stood back, did not help them out at all, they managed all on their own!

Hope your Christmas day was great! We had lovely sunshine the whole day! We can feel the sun burnt the bodies a bit today!! ;-) But it seems like we can expect some rain tonight, had a bit of thunder already and a few drops falling!

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