IN & OUT at the Dick Institute

I was fascinated by the IN and OUT signs in The Dick Institute in Kilmarnock when I was a wee girl.
I was there today to preview the GENERATION - SWSW 2014 exhibition which opens at the weekend as I'm writing about it for Saturday's Herald.
I was tiny when I first went to 'the Dick' with my dad.
There was a distinct smell which hit your nose the minute you walked in through the IN door. (It's still there... wonder what it is!)
Dad would deposit me in among the books in the children's section while he went off to choose his week's reading material in the adult book section.
I didn't mind... I learned to read at 4-years-of and read voraciously. If there was nothing to read, I'd leaf through the phone book...
As a teenager I was at school over the road at Kilmarnock Academy so many a lunch hour was spent hiding in The Dick.
My friends and I used to go in the out door and out the in door. What rebels we were!
Anyways, I'm back-Blipping this as I was up late writing the copy about the GENERATION show.
It's a good 'un.

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