Taken Prisoner!

Rona has captured Euan's old cuddly toy, Spencer ( named from the point of origin, Marks and-----) and will only return it when the appropriate ransom is paid.
Wednesday tea-time at Gran & Grandpa's house after Euan came out of nursery school. After a brief play with the toy trains, Euan retired to the couch and promptly fell asleep! He must have been dog tired.
Yesterday's weather was high summer quality but today has taken things back some two months. Cold and wet, not nice at all!
Andrew has reached Austin, Texas yesterday without too much drama but his suitcase took a wrong turning and didn't turn up until today. However, we face-timed Andrew this afternoon (morning, his time) and his accommodation looks great with mockingbirds and grackles chirping in the garden. It's a tough life!

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