Growing with the flow

By Wordwatcher

Ahead for Heights

My parents arrived this morning so in order to give them a chance to shake off the flight and as they can't check in to their hotel til 3, we head back to the Tokyo Dome, fast becoming the boys favourite place in Tokyo.
We are at about 2 o'clock, if you consider the shadow of the big wheel like a clock-face. The only passengers as far as we can tell. My brother, not known for his head for heights is sitting very pale and still whilst I'm laughing at the Japanese builders, bottom right, checking out the pedestrians, oblivious on the streets below them.
Child minders having arrived I am able to head out, sans boys, for a drink at my brothers work and then we all head out for Sushi with Rie, who I forgot to say we met on the first night here. She is very lovely and gets the wee sister seal of approval.
The wedding party is starting to take shape.

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