Snail gel - organic!

I love Blip! What a delightful surprise this morning when jensphotos swung by to tell me that she knew where to get fish-shaped windsocks, as mention and lusted over yesterday, and would I like one? I would and we've come to a very amicable agreement. How exciting.

And I've been to the dentist and survived. Liz is very kind and gentle but probably gives a little bit too much information - I didn't really want to know what she was doing or how much pus there was. Anyway, the first part's sorted and I have to go back in a fortnight. It didn't hurt while she was doing it but I think it's going to be pretty painful when the anaesthetic wears off. Thank you for all your sympathetic encouragement - it helped.

And this is for MMoo - I think I could set up my own company! I'm not sure what's going on here but I think there are two of them and they're certainly producing something slimey! And it's organic! Biggify to see his extraordinary eyes.

Don't forget to wash your faces in the dew tomorrow morning - or even snail slime if you find some, to ensure annual beauty.

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