Silent Night, Snowy Night

Was at work this morning which was ok and managed to actually get a couple of things finished.

Took a stroll around the shops to get some gifts and food.

Back home and started making my grannie's hamper. Dundee cake and black bun in the oven with shortbread to follow and dropped scones tomorrow morning.

Took Juno for an evening walk, the city is sleeping, it was really quiet and still. Juno was diving into snowdrifts and running about after rabbits and various smells. With her flashing red light no doubt keep a wee myth true if any youngster looked up at the top of Blackford Hill this evening.

When I was up there I remembered the stories I used to make up for the kids about a 'Magic Lead'. We would put the magic lead on any dog that we met and it would take us to the origin of the species, the kids used to love the stories especially about huskies and malmuts. Fond memories.

Well here is the top ten for the festive 50(ecodad version).

10. Sheep - The Housemartins
9. Theme for Sparta FC - The Fall
8. Reach - The Pale Fountains
7. Appetite - Prefab Sprout
6. Down The Dip - Aztec Camera
5. Ever Fallen in Love With - The Buzzcocks
4. A Forest - The Cure
3. White Riot - The Clash
2. Temptation - New Order
1. Atmosphere - Joy Division

Merry Christmas Blippers.

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