Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

All present

Went to work for the monrning today, very quiet and got on with some work without any disturbance.

Had a wee walk around town and picked up some bargains.

Eco daughter and her pals had made a play so it was over to the neighbours with our tickets to watch the show. Amazing what they put togther, with several costume changes, well done kids.

Went to pick up Eco gran and drop the Eco hamper at Eco great grand parents. I should have blipped them but forgot the camera.

Anyway Eco gran is staying the night she loves seeing the kids open their presents and will stay for dinner tomorrow. We are having both the Eco grans over. In good old Katie Morag fashion they are Granny Garden(she had a garden when kids young) and Granny Fish(she had tropical fish when kids young). I loved reading Katie Morag to both of them and for info the grannies in katie Morag are Granny Mainland and Granny Island (Katie Morag lived on an Isalnd)...but the best are the big bad boy cousins....

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