wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew


It just looked as if it was offering itself to a higher being.
Work ended in tears again today. I have a one on one with my boss on Friday. I think it will really help.
So I came home and ate 2 candy bars. Don't even think about saying anything.( you know who you are Supertramp) I will walk tomorrow.
Chorus rehearsal was tonight. It went well. I practiced my solo tonight. I felt I was sharp however, I need to relax... And not be so hard myself. I set the bar higher than anyone else does. Virgo trait? Could be.
Either way we talked about our trip to the Sister Singers Festival at the University of Illinois at Champain-Urbana Illinois in July. We are way excited. I am a bit scared. The Pretty Girl posse is going together. Trouble is sure to follow.
So today was up and down. Tomorrow will be better.
I guarantee it.
Besides Ethel has snuggled up (one of my cats) and is telling me about her day. Sucks to be a cat. Only fed three times. Couldn't decide which 100 of toys to play with, oh and only 23 hours of sleep.
Why do I complain? Her days are always so much tougher than mine!

Have a great night and g'day to my friends down under!

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