
By Doingok


I'm not sure about the name for this photo, but it's what came to mind. I hiked some conservation property today for 2 hours with a friend - she was doing some kind of annual check to see what had changed in terms of flora and fauna. The woman who owns the property had these two horses outside, probably just visitors as she doesn't own them. They looked as though they might have been "Rescue" animals, the other was pretty scarred (reminded me of Scar in the movie Lion King - all black too). Even though I am a little intimidated by them, I do love horses - I love their strength and stature. I love the softness of their noses as they sniff your hand and the warm breath was welcome today as it was cloudy and cool with a good breeze. Made me wish I'd brought some apples or carrots. Worth a look in LARGE

"I discovered that the horse is life itself, a metaphor but also an example of life's mystery and unpredictability, of life's generosity and beauty, a worthy object of repeated and ever changing contemplation." Jane Smiley

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