This Would Do The Trick

Even if I wasn't feeling better, which I am, this would have done it for me.  About 2 months ago, I got a Facebook message from a woman I know, but have not really been friends with.  She has 10 children (not a typo, there's 10!) ranging in age from 26 to 3.  She is much younger than I am, a nice person and her children were always very well behaved.  Anyway, I digress.  In the message, she mentioned that she and her husband wanted to give each of them an opportunity to be involved in sports but as you can imagine with TEN, it's not that easy.  She asked if either Jon or I would be willing to be surrogate grandparents and help with getting one or more of them to an activity each week.  Now, the oldest 3 are not living at home and the 4th is 18, so there is a bit of a span.  After some thought, I said "sure".  So on Friday evenings I am taking one or more to a practice of either soccer, baseball and/or basketball.  Last week, I was excused because the twins who are in 8th grade went on a school trip to Washington DC and mom could take the one who was left at home.  I told her that was fortunate because on Sunday I had fallen and hurt my knee pretty badly.  So yesterday the little darlings came over and brought me this sweet card and the bright flowers. It has really been a nice experience.  I have been taking Alexa and Brad, 13 (the twins, a boy and a girl) , Hannah a 9 year old and 7 year old Mason.  They are delightful and polite and extremely grateful.  And, they will be new subjects for future photographs.

Turn Around Slowly

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