All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Hanging Around

I'm sleeping incredibly badly again at the moment, which is all the more frustrating cos Ethan is sleeping pretty well. So, I curled back up in bed this morning after hubbie got up with Ethan and managed to doze off again for a while.

In the afternoon, we decided to all get some fresh air. First of all we took Ethan to the open day at Kinneil House. I've been round the grounds before but never in the house. Was rather disappointed to discover most of the house is actually a shell and there is only a tiny section you can go in.

We then went to Zetland Park in Grangemouth so Ethan could ride his bike round the mini traffic area there. We also tried him without the stabilisers on his bike but soon gave up with that idea!

Finally over to the Foreveryoungs for dinner and to drop off Ethan for his weekly sleepover.

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