Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At Home: Horse and Boy ....x

Sam took charge of Jack on our evening walk arounds the fields. Sometimes we just cant decide or rather I suppose, we cant be bothered to tack jack up to take him out. This loose arrangement suits Jack, in that he has a more relaxed outing, where he can nibble on his favourite hedgerow plants on the way, without a bit in his mouth and a tight girth around this tummy.

Jack is the kind on pony who just loves his food. He is currently on a retracted grass diet for the summer months so these outings are like being taken to a restaurant, and having as many mouthfuls as he can get on the way.

He a clever little pony. The children take it in turns to jump on his back for a lift home. He knows that this is his work and any pulling for grass and misbehaving might mean that walking with just the head collar might turn back into full tack.

Sam gives Jack a pep talk on the way home. How frustrating it must be to have to take advice from a small boy. I explain to Sam that horses and man are team work. " Jack needs your common sense and you need his four legs and strength to carry you home"

What they both share in abundance is trust.... They don't begin to question that....x

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