At Whitby: The real deal.......x

The last day of the Whitby Goth weekend uncovered some real issues. I realise that the notion of 'gothism' is a wide subject. The strands of which have spread far wider and beyond what was Whitby Goth Weekends creator, Jo Hampshire's initial vision.

For me, this is a great thing. I love to see visions and ideas evolve. No art stands still. It is, by nature a creature of growth and development. There are some purist lines of thought, that the weekend should have remained true to its roots. The fact that is has evolved into this wonderous spectacle of parading fashionistas with its own entourage of cameras snapping away is aggravating to some. Whitby heaving by its own success.
I see both sides. I photograph costumes that belong in London Fashion week. I hope their designers are here absorbing influences.

Some models frown more than others. They are not models or fashionistas. For some, a way of live... A believe system..... I respect that.....x

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