
By LaKwAtSeRa

Of graphs, broken bus and random strangers...

Whoever made this graph on Work - Time Relationship is spot on! I thought that i was alone in this world in thinking that the 'Ongoing Development' part of research is a monotonically increasing work input. I'm honestly longing for the day until this graph crosses the line at which work = 0.

Seminar today was very interesting as it touched on Evolutionary Computation. I believe the one and only seminar topic which tickled my fancy since i joined this research group. Today was also productive as i was able to successfully convert my plot codes from Gnuplot to Matlab. Quite tricky but i was able to generate better quality graphs than the Gnuplot ones.

I stayed late in the lab today and even had dinner at the common room. It was eerie to be eating there alone with the light outside starting to dim. Stayed for 30 more minutes after eating and took the 9pm bus back to Leamington.

Just as we were near Kenilworth town centre, the bus broke down and the driver kept on forcing the bus to run even though it was obviously totally broken down. It smelled like burnt rubber inside the bus and one of the passengers was brave enough to ask the driver what was happening and if it's safe to still remain in the bus with that very bad smell. The driver's response was not very nice as he just told us that he doesnt know what's happening in a not so comforting tone.

The five of the remaining passengers, including me, decided to just walk to the town centre hoping to find a taxi that would bring us to Leamington since the next bus is going to be an hour away from us. Unfortunately no taxi was to be found but was able to find one in just a few minutes of waiting. I didnt get the names of all the random strangers i was in the taxi with but i remember one named Tanos; his lady friend Mon; another lady living in Leicester Street and a man who is happy to be dropped off at the town centre. We each paid 3GBP to the taxi driver :)

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