Different viewpoint

The weather was rather dank and drizzly so we decided against an expedition of any magnitude and just caught the bus up to the Dean Village with the intention of walking back along the Water of Leith. As we were walking along the path by St Bernards Well we were discussing how we'd always wanted to visit the private gardens on the opposite side of the river. And lo, when we got to the bridge across to Dean Terrace, there was a poster telling us that it was Garden Scotland's open gardens day today and the Dean Gardens were open! We arrived 20 minutes early, but a kind key-holder let us in anyway (and yes, we 'fessed up and paid our entry fee as we were leaving!). What a beautiful place - about 7 acres in all, extending all the way underneath the Dean Bridge. The planting is mostly informal with plenty of large trees. There are great views of St Bernards well across the river and also the weir up at the Dean Village. What a treat.

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