Homecooked Breakfast
I had a short lie in this morning before waking up and making a fried breakfast for Luke and I. I had to nip across to the shop for eggs and I wanted potato cakes but they only had pancakes so I settled for those instead.
I made bacon, scrambled and fried eggs and pancakes to mop all the dippy yolk. I also made freshly ground coffee straight from the grinder.
After breakfast I got ready to start the day and arranged to pop round to Ali's in the afternoon.
Luke walked with me into town and I picked up some supplies to take over. I almost bought us the new Hunger Games DVD but I will hold off on that for another day. Armed with chocolate fudge brownie cheesecake and chai latte I went to Ali's and we chatted and lounged about for most of the afternoon before watching the last Star Wars movie, Episode VI Return of the Jedi.
It was good, we liked the Ewoks that are like little teddy bears, and there were some good epic battles. First series of episodes complete, now we need to start on the prequels!
When I came home I made spaghetti carbonara with a cup of tea and watched an episode of Grimm before bed.
Today I am grateful that I could be there for a good friend.
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