New styleee Saturdays

I was up and out this morning bitterly regretting the very nice pub evening to channel my inner Judy Murray as Will has been very keen to be better at tennis. Obviously the only lessons open to us are at 9am on a Saturday morning. He loved it so that's the end of two lie ins a week for a while (another great thing about blip has occurred to me. In years to come, Will can look back on this as evidence of my selfless sacrifice just so he can swing wildly as a few tennis balls. Always good to document what a brilliant mum I am)

Daisy was also up and out by 9:15 to walk round Worthing collecting different friends and then spend the rest of the day in town. She seems to have had a great time, including being an easy target for the charity collectors. She came home just after Will had left for an "army party" (really, I have no idea, it sounds horrible). One child at a time is really quite lovely.

It was blowing a gale on the seafront so I went to the gym for my run. Where I resolved the problem of the other day - I ran 25 mins straight without stopping and no real issue. And, it turns out,at a much slower pace than I do outside. So, as they don't actually hold this bloody race on the gym, I shall repeat it again outside, ignore the swishy pony tailed skinny ones who sprint past me and amble along at a slower rate. It's a plan anyway.

Roast chicken for tea, hurray. Enjoy your Saturdays x

Oh and Will is delighted he has. W for Will on his racket....

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