More Lady Buttons

I walked past this, did a double take and walked back to look in more detail. I don't think this really works as a display, it looks bloody painful. You can't see from this angle but she had pins stuck in all over her. Poor lady.

And Lazooligirl, I can't wait until Monday to do this properly as I won't be walking down that road on Monday. Got to blip em as I find em.

Work done and dusted by 11 then a very nice wander round town with Marie. I chose parsnip and pecan cake. I am still not very sure if that was the right choice or not. It was tasty enough, but solid, like a bread pudding or something. And in the cafe was a gorgeous golden cocker spaniel, my favourite. He looked just like my long gone Charlie dog, but with a longer tail as it the (correct) fashion these days.

Lovely, lovely weekend. What shall we do?

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