My Aim is True


Dreadful blip, great company

Was great to meet lots of blippers today. Putting faces to names, and journal names.
Red was a wee bit late as he decided to pop into the nearby gay bar first.

And we chatted about lots of things; Bella, the blip interface (no, I've no idea what that means either), postmens' shoes, skiiing, schools (how very Edinburgh ), Miles Davis, Mr Grumpychops, cycling, this blip , holidays, house prices (how very Edinburgh), the Stonehenge by-pass,this blipper , sunsets (and sunrises) and kittens. And lots loots more.

I realised around 9pm that I had not taken any blip. So it was suggested that I blip Bella's picture, mine and magpie's coffee cups and Soob's wine glasses.

Hope we will do it again. Although somewhere less gloomy and a bit warmer would be good.

Oh, and some of us think we should get a cheapy flight to Dublin and meet up with some of the Irish blippers.

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