My Aim is True


I can see for miles

Once I uploaded the blip at home I realised that I can even see the transmitter in Fife. I reckon that's about 10 miles. And you can make out the beach at Burntisland.

had to go to work for a bit - just to make sure all is in place over the festive break.

had a wander about later, and saw the aftermath of the Khushi's fire. Didn't want to blip though, as it would maybe look a bit ghoulish - especially as i think some of the staff were standing around.

Was waiting for a bus when a polis car pulled up and two burly coppers went into Lidl. Must have been a shoplifter I suppose. There was a sorta eccentric bloke outside trying to catch my eye and engage me in conversation and I fell for it.

Sorta eccentric bloke: Looks like they're going to catch some shoplifters eh?
ME: yeah. You've gotta wonder about shoplifting in Lidl though, I mean everything so cheap, isn't it? hardly seems worth it?
SEE: they should punish them you know, Punish them so that they'd never do it again. I lived in Saudia Arabia for 4 years. the judges there would just cut off their hands
ME (hoping bus would hurry the feck up): yeah, but you know it's maybe a wee bit extreme
SEE: Aye, but there's no trouble there, no crime, perfectly safe you know,
ME: well maybe not that safe if you happen to be....
SEE (interrupting, and spookily almost reading my mind): homosexuals they get sentenced to death too, so it's a great place to be
ME: hmm, not really the sort of best way to treat people though......
SEE: I was born a christian you know, always been one since...

And then the bus arrived! So I was unable to explain to him that he hadn't actually been born a christian. Or explain to him that he is an arse. But I was mightily relieved to see that bus.

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