You say you love me through my rise and fall

I love my wee gang I really do.

Tooli has been home for a couple of weeks now - she is studying madly for her upcoming exams. She has decided that she isn't clever any more, and therefore requires to study three times more than she has previously. Her dad says, "Stop drinking so much, and staying out all night...."

Then she discovers a video on Youtube of her and her mate being interviewed by a community station. Oh my god. They come over SO well. And the hysterical laughter from her, as she and her pal discussed the various pro's and con's of their appearance. She's getting more like me every day!

Himself got himself a pile of new hammocks for the Scouts, and along side it, they sent him a hat and a t-shirt. He's been sitting on the couch with the hat on, at varying angles - back to front, tipped back, tipped forward. Aw. So funny he is making me laugh. A lot.

And Boy. He spoke to me this afternoon, saying that there was a piece going up on the MOC Webpage about him; He sent me the photo, which I loved, and then told me that he had had to write the piece about himself, which was hard, trying not to sound like a complete arse. You'll be glad to know that he didn't sound like an arse, and EVERYONE who I have made read it agrees with me.

Thank you all so much for bearing with me in my millionth moment of maternal pride.

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