My schoolgirls

It was Ophelia's first half day as a school girl today! She said her morning was 'awesome', and 'amazing'. After that, she had an afternoon at preschool where the entire group decided to make a cinema. They designed and built the seating area, the staff dug some popcorn out of a cupboard to be popped and then the children chose to watch a cbeebies ballet show! Poor Ophi was shattered when I collected her and has been very stroppy this evening. In the interim, Arwen and I had a nice day together just the two of us, but it was strangely quiet without the big girls being around.

I'm feeling stroppy too. After months of feeling sluggish, and another two weeks of overindulgence, enough was enough. Inspired by amE's blip yesterday, I have decided to knock refined sugar on the head for a while. Boy this is going to be tough...

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