Blonde hair blowing in the summer wind

Technically its brown hair blowing (Ophelia's) and it is spring even though it feels like winter. But that lyric will have to do as I can't think of another right now.
To try and work off the Candy Bar Pie I cooked up yesterday (think Oreo and digestives with butter cheesecake base; three chopped up snickers in a layer on top; a layer of peanut butter baked cheesecake on top of that and finally a topping of chocolate and salted peanuts) , we walked to toddler group and back today. It's a good two mile round trip so I feel slightly less lardy than I otherwise would have. It's still jolly cold in the strong winds and some of the lambs in the fields are in their little plastic jackets.
This afternoon I lazed around, tried and failed to nap, burnt on a pan of veggies that was supposed to be for Arwen's tea and forgot all about the Messy Church event until Grace reminded me. Mummy Brain. We still made it in time for some of the crafts thankfully. Tonight I've got a committee meeting to go to at preschool if I can stay awake long enough!
112/365 completed!

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