Fritillaria imperialis

It was only a matter of time before crown imperial made it as a blip. They are superb at the moment.

Yesterday's weeds went to the Council recycling skip this morning. I wished them well. I also went to the garden centre and bought a load of plants to occupy the newly dug space. Except the digging is not yet complete but I thought buying the plants might help motivation. It did. But only a little.

As I dig, I have acquired a new admiration for bindweed. Its roots can go down as far as 5 metres! When it appears on the surface it twines itself around a plant and basically strangles it. And it looks so pretty. If it were a member of the animal family, it would probably be kept in a cage.

It has to go. As it comes out of the ground, put in a cane and it twines around that. Then a chemical zap. Taken in all the way to the end of its roots, maybe 5m below.

Only then will I go organic.

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