Happy Easter
The Easter bunny visited this morning and when I got to work there was a little chocolate rabbit from Butlers waiting for me from Ali.
We ate chocolate, which tasted delicious after so long, and we worked away at figures and allocation. We sent Sinead on a chai tea and shortbread run when she arrived, and then Ciara came in and we all shared an Easter hug in the office!
At lunch I went out to buy us girls some cheesecake, finally they had the cookie one that Ali has been wanting to try, but they didn't have the peanut butter one I have been dreaming about until Easter! Devastated, I bought a cookie one for Ali and two slices of chocolate fudge brownie for me and Ciara.
Despite Ali having the sniffles and feeling like she was coming down with a cold, today we had figures all boxed off and completed and we were ready to leave by 5:30! Totally unheard of on a Sunday, not quite sure how we achieved it, but amazing that we got to leave almost on time.
After work I went over to Ali's to wait for Luke to finish work and we had some big laughs joking about matching pairs that blend into Mack Trucks, Weasley family breakfasts and obnoxious smells. It was nice just to chill out and have the chats and actually enjoy leaving work at a normal time on Sunday.
Luke met me from Ali's and we walked home to cook lasagne for tea. We both got peckish waiting for it to bake so we ate left over picnic olives and butter bean salad and some garlic bread.
We watched NCIS:LA as we ate the lasagne and it was very yummy and filling. Leftovers for lunch tomorrow.
Today I am grateful for the heavenly taste of chocolate.
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