Morning Mirror

For the first time in a long time I managed a little undisturbed sleep and I suspect that the evening constitutional, a gentle walk in the moonlight with easy gentle conversation was the reason why. Many of you know I walk a lot and often very early in the morning; it is a beautiful time to be out, a stillness before the bustle of the day truly begins a time when most people are still contemplating the day and hitting the snooze button for those elusive few minutes more. I feel like a weight has been lifted from me, a decision made and a few calls made before I talked myself out of the decision. I am very very lucky to enjoy the unerring support of my friend and when they heard of the little step forward I could hear the relief in their voice, it led only to confirm it was the right choice.

The walk last evening was like a walk back in time, it will sound silly but when we walked across the grass I felt like I was back in the place I belonged, like I was my teenage self again. The familiarity of a more simple time before the pressures of careers and life got in the way. Little has changed in those years, perhaps only the faces. We forget that we are now the age that our parents were back when we savoured those teenage years it seems difficult to believe that others now enjoy this place as we did. I think the romanticism we enjoyed is wholly different today with mobile phones, social media and all that that entails. When we were of that age we had to phone our friends house, run the gauntlet of the potential conversation with their parent or worse a sibling if they answered the phone. We cycled on warm summer days to the neighbouring villages, gone all day returning often only as the sun dipped away and dusk swallowed the day. When you see it written down it sounds like a page from an Arthur Ransome novel or from the Famous Five, all that was missing was the lashings of lemonade…

Come whatever may, these memories fulfil me, they always make me smile and make me happy and walking here again provides new memories, new gems to be treasured always, for all we shared and for all we have yet to enjoy…

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