Spotted Towhee
This is a type of Sparrow altho much more colorful. It's known also as the Rufous-sided Towhee and is smaller in size than the American Robin, but larger than a dark eyed Junco. The male's head is black,while the female's is reddish-brown. It's back is spotted with white outer tail feathers and underpantsparts. It's eyes are red. You may have seen a similar bird on Skip's blip--her's is a male Eastern Towhee and you can see a slight difference in them.
Weather back to colder with spotted rain so the Spotted Towhee a good choice for today. In this collage I've included one with no added faffing and the other with a bit of artistic dry brush. Same with the underpants ones:) See which one you fancy. Have a wonderful hump day!
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