morning dove... a tree

but i'm going to be the 1st to admit - it's not a great shot at all - sigh...

while it's true - i believe it's in focus - and for once - i was in range - something rather tragic happened with the settings - or something - the lighting perhaps was against me - maybe that's what it is - i don't know - once i uploaded my shots - this is what greeted me - things were in shadow - darkened - etc., etc., etc., - what to do - what to do

well - sometimes - there just isn't anything to do - it's simply a learning day - right? deal with it - and move on - i don't feel very well - to attempt anything further - to play around with it - try to "fix" it - when in reality - i don't know how i might do that - well - what's the point? - so - up it's going - what will anyone say? hopefully, someone will offer a suggestion - or commisserate - shrug because it's happened to them as well - we all know this is life - tomorrow is another day - i'm grateful for it - i'm thankful i at least was able to capture a morning dove today - a bird i've not ever been able to get before - so i don't really count it a lost cause - and for that, my friends - i'm considering it as...


happy day.....

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